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Three Years of Conversation. “Fox, A Riddle,” Artist’s book, Sanford Gallery, Florence, MA, April 19- May 12, 2024


Annual Artists Books Exhibit. “Pinhole Lismore,” Sanford Gallery, Florence, MA, March 30-April 18, 2024


Impressions: Printmaking. “Exhuberance,” Monoprint, Borgia Gallery, Elms College, February 12- April 5, 2024


Five Sparks. Harvard, MA Print Exhibition, July 11-August 24, 2023

“Portal 1”, mixed media on vellum, 11″ x 8.5”

“Portal 3”, mixed media on vellum, 11″ x 8.5″

“Portal 4”, mixed media on vellum, 11″ x 8.5″

“Portal 6”, mixed media on vellum, 11″ x 8.5″

 “Incanbescent Alqhadets”, mixed media, poetry and objects, 4.25″ x 9.5″ x 1.5″ box


Spring: We cannot wait for it. “Portal,” Sanford Gallery, Florence, MA.  February, 1-28, 2022

Rising Waters, Blazing Earth, “Extinction/Evolution; One of a Kind/All of One Kind,” Artist Accordion Book, Augusta Savage Gallery, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, September 30-October 20, 2021

Intertwined, “We Share the Air 4,” ZMP, Sanford Gallery, Florence, MA, Sept. 1-30, 2021

Horizons, “Moths Aloft,” ZMP, Sanford Gallery, Florence, MA, May 1-31, 2021 

Green to the Extreme, “All for This,” APE Gallery, Northampton, MA, Oct. 3-Nov. 5, 2020

Prone to Ponder: Daydreams, Hallucinations and Wonders, “Wild lines”, Digital Exhibition, Zea Mays Printmaking, Florence, MA, 2020

Synchronicity, “Screen One,” Easthampton, MA, November 9, 2019

Autumn Light, Sanford Gallery, Florence, MA. Oct. 1-31, 2019

The Space Between Two, “Once,” APE Gallery, Northampton, MA, Oct. 12- Nov. 4, 2018

Eight by Eight, Zea Mays Printmaking, Florence, MA, November 8-December 23, 2018

The Blue Wave, Zea Mays Printmaking, Florence, MA, November 28-December 30, 2018

20th Anniversary Portfolio of Zea Mays Printmaking, "Traces," 2016

Read about the portfolio of prints >

Fresh Ink, “Sig’s Rooster,” Photopolymer Print, Zea Mays Printmaking, Florence MA, September 24- October 6, 2015


Precarious futures, Annie G Rogers, 2021, Collage monoprints, 21.0 inches X 16.5 inches, Private Collection.

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